Doc who spread anti-vaccine conspiracies faces discipline
Dr. Daniel Nagase, who claimed vaccinations caused stillbirths at a North Vancouver rally, is being investigated for his comments. A citation has been issued for Dr. Nagase, a family physician and former registrant of the College.
A Discipline Committee Panel will be appointed to conduct a hearing to inquire into Dr. Nagase’s alleged misconduct, namely that, on or about December 9, 2021, while a registrant, Dr. Nagase contravened standards imposed under the Health Professions Act, including but not limited to the Canadian Medical Association’s Code of Ethics and Professionalism, by making public addresses regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and related issues that included his making misleading, incorrect, or inflammatory statements about vaccinations, treatments, and measures for COVID-19, including
- publicly expressing that Ivermectin is a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19;
- publicly expressing that the COVID-19 vaccinations are dangerous, or making otherwise misleading, incorrect, or inflammatory statements; and
- making at least some of these public statements while appearing in front of effigies of political figures who were hung from nooses.
The hearing date will be posted on the College website when it has been scheduled.