Victoria crime wave … random and provoked
Over the past several days Greater Victoria has seen a crime wave of random and provoked attacks.
A Victoria woman suffered “significant” facial injuries when rocks were thrown through the window of her home. Her injuries were not life-threatening, but required “extensive medical treatment,” Victoria police said Friday. The incident happened in the 1900 block of Chambers Street about 9 p.m. on Tuesday. Police believe it was a random attack.

Also in Victoria, an impaired and angry driver kicked two police officers after learning that she was banned from driving and that her vehicle was being towed away. The woman was arrested for assault early Saturday morning and taken to police cells, where she stayed until sober, Victoria police said.
Oak Bay police are working to identify a suspect seen in a surveillance photo after a locker-room theft at the Oak Bay Recreation Centre. Police said a wallet and truck keys were taken, and the keys were used to get into the truck and steal cash. The bank cards were used.
In James Bay, police are warning the public after a man was robbed at gunpoint while trying to buy a used PlayStation 5. As police were investigating, they were sought out by a second person who had also arranged to buy a PlayStation 5 at the same location.
Also in James Bay about 11:30 p.m. Friday, police were called to the first block of Simcoe Street off Dallas Road for a report that a man had been attacked by two other men, who had stolen his vehicle. Patrol officers arrived and located a man with “significant” head wounds. He told police he had arrived at a nearby residence in his vehicle when he was confronted by two male strangers. There was an altercation and one of the assailants was stabbed. The two men then reportedly stole the man’s car and fled at high speed, said police.